The 4th Alvar Aalto Researchers’ Network Seminar will be held in Pori, Finland, on 27–28 August 2020. The seminar theme, (Ever)green Alvar Aalto, encourages us to ponder the different aspects of Alvar Aalto´s architectural production, working methods and architectural thinking, and their relevance to the architectural design and culture of the 2020s, from a variety of different perspectives.
The themes can be approached from pragmatic, theoretical, metaphorical and cultural viewpoints:
- How can Alvar Aalto´s architecture and design be regarded as being sustainable?
- How does Alvar Aalto´s architecture resonate in other architectural contexts?
- How is sustainability addressed in restoration/reuse projects on buildings from the Aalto era?
“The seminar provides the participants with a unique opportunity to discuss the renovation of modern architecture from a design-research perspective. Practical design-based research, known in English as “practice-led” or “practice-based”, is still relatively new in the architecture field, especially in Finland,” says Anni Vartola, a senior university lecturer at Aalto University. “We hope that this seminar will provide a discussion platform with regards to renovation projects, and we can continue to share new knowledge on looking after modern building heritage.”
The seminar will also discuss Alvar Aalto’s status among both colleagues from his own era and contemporary architects. “It is amazing how many prominent international architects still mention Alvar Aalto as an important role model, so we look forward to seeing examples of how his architectural thinking is reflected in other architects’ work ,” says Vartola.
Alvar Aalto Academy invites researchers and practitioners to explore the theme (Ever)green Alvar Aalto. The Academy looks forward to receiving proposals in response to the open call until January 26, 2020. Further information about the seminar and the Call for Papers is available at:
The international seminar organized by the Alvar Aalto Academy and will be arranged in co-operation with the City of Pori and other partners. Pori is a member of the International Network of Alvar Aalto Cities, and it will chair the Network along with the municipality of Eura in 2020.
Further information:
Programme manager Nina Heikkonen
Alvar Aalto Academy
Tel. +358 44 500 1257
The Alvar Aalto Researchers’ Network is an international collaboration that serves as a channel for discussion and cooperation between people who are carrying out research on Alvar Aalto.
4th Alvar Aalto Researchers’ Network Seminar, Pori, Finland, 27–28 August, 2020