The 5th Alvar Aalto Researchers’ Network Seminar – Whose Modernism? is to be held in Jyväskylä, Finland, 14.–15.6.2023. Over the course of two days, we will hear presentations on latest research, meet colleagues and network with other international participants. Tickets will be available here in January 2023. Stay tuned!
Much effort has been devoted to interrogating the origins, development, ambitions and products of modern architecture. This seminar seeks to identify and critically assess not just the factors but the actors involved: the individuals, institutions and other parties engaged in the creation, criticism, inhabitation, appropriation, and conservation of modern architecture.
Who sponsored, created, critiqued and narrated architectural modernism in the twentieth century, and who does it now? Who should? To whom does modern architecture matter, and in whose lives does it play a role? Who holds responsibility for the future of modern architecture, and who do modern architectural heritage sites serve? Simply put: Who are the stakeholders, explicitly and implicitly, of modern architecture and its heritage?
Save the Date! The seminar, arranged 14.–15.6.2023, seeks submissions that open up practical, cultural, political, and theoretical perspectives into modern architecture and modern architectural heritage, anchored in the question “Whose modernism?” Submissions are asked to align themselves with one of three main themes: 1. Intent, 2. Authorship, 3. Legacy.
For more information, see the Call for papers.
All interested on research and critical discussion on modern architecture are most welcome to join the event!
The Alvar Aalto Researchers’ Network is an international collaboration that serves as a channel for discussion and cooperation between people doing research on Alvar Aalto. The network is managed by the Alvar Aalto Academy as part of the functions of the Alvar Aalto Foundation.
Join the facebook group of the Alvar Aalto Reserachers´ Network.
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Further information
Alvar Aalto Foundation
Programme Manager
Nina Heikkonen
Tel. +358 44 500 1257