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FI: Säynätsalon kunnantalo, 1950–52. Kuva: © Alvar Aalto -museo / Martti Kapanen. EN: Säynätsalo Town Hall, 1950–52. Photo: © Alvar Aalto Museum / Martti Kapanen.

Säynätsalo Town Hall, 1950–52. Photo: © Alvar Aalto Museum / Martti Kapanen.

Aalto Cities now have their own collaboration network, on the initiative of the Alvar Aalto Foundation and the City of Jyväskylä. The network is intended to achieve closer collaboration between Aalto Cities and to increase Aalto awareness both in Finland and abroad.

A total of eleven Finnish cities are involved in the first stage. On Friday, February 3, 2017, the network’s founding document was signed in Jyväskylä by representatives of Alajärvi, Espoo, Eura, Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Kotka, Paimio, Pori, Rovaniemi and Seinäjoki. Varkaus will sign later in February 2017.

Any Finnish or foreign city, town or municipality with at least one noteworthy Alvar Aalto site can join the Aalto Cities network. In all, there are about forty Aalto Cities around the world.

The freeform network makes it possible for the participating cities and the Alvar Aalto Foundation to cooperate more closely and in more diverse ways than before, especially on Aalto-related communications, marketing, tourism, exhibitions and event production.

Read more from the press release.

Further information:
Communications Officer Annukka Pakarinen, annukka.pakarinen(at), +358 (0)50 381 0143